is a famous place to find many pictures. It is specially designed to be among the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. As there are two main goals to be achieved, viz; 1. to help people make their photos available to the people who matter to them. And 2. to enable new ways of organizing photos, flicker makes all ways to it easier and simpler.
The visitors –even not a member— are fortunately enabled to explore what the site have. Specially for the members, they can easily upload and share each other their pictures by simple process available in the web. Actually many things can be done by a photographer or pics collectors, the least they did is only to keep a blog of moments containing some images captured on their cameraphone, or probably they want to show off their best pictures to the whole world in a bid for web celebrity. Flickr makes all these things possible and simple to do. Don’t you want to share photos of your kids and families so that, even probably they are far away in distance, they are still in your memory and sight.
Practically, flickr get photos into and out of the system in as many ways they can. It includes the web, mobile devices, the users' home computers and many other softwares they are using to manage their photo. Then flickr push them out in as many ways as possible: on the Flickr website, in RSS feeds, by email, by posting to outside blogs or ways we haven't thought of yet. Just visit if you are not sure about this info.
As its second goal is to enable new ways of organizing photos, flickr really makes the process of organizing photos collaborative. In Flickr, you can give your friends, family, and other contacts permission to organize your photos - not just to add comments, but also notes and tags.
Looking at flickr photos, it is probably like looking at an album. Just the difference is it is made from the switch to digital. So that it is easy to get overwhelmed with the sheer number of photos you take with that itchy trigger finger.
About is built by two closely pals; Valens Riyadi and Kristupa Siragih. Both are well delightfully lovers of photography. Thus, the site was build up to provide place for those minds interested in photography. The main goal of the site is to provide and to widely open chance to the photographers with their different works and styles of photography. After that, in order to know the quality of the photos they shall open for any comments and suggestions from anothers. is an Indonesian open site, so contrary to the However, everyone can visit, join, place a photo (or photos) and furthermore either to comment or be commented. The member will get more rating by uploading his photos and posting comments to other photos owned by another members. More rating is also possible by willingly posting some articles relating to the site. This is the essence of photographic world in which those who have same likes and interests shall promote each other to become an expert one.
Read more about flickr and fotografer in another articles.
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