If you search through internet, there will many sites related to graphic designs. It depends on you which one is appropriate to the skill you have. Just an example. If you are a specialist in image aditing –or retouching—you are may visit website which will help you in such field such as planetphotoshop.com. Or if you are an image collector then you may go to flickr.com from which you will get much benefits in getting what you desire. You will find such beautiful image collections with hich recolution and pixels and you can download it without any cost. In case you further want to improve your skills and talents, just take a trip to the sites like tutorialized.com. etc. or Linda product which in recent days become very familiar in video training tutorials. For Indonesian, moreover, there is a site which gives special attention in specific field such as retouching. Just come in http://www.fotografer.net/. But you are required to become member first to have full access in such web. The benefit from forografer.net is that beside you have full acces to see bulk of ammazing retauched images, you can also upload your own pictures to be seen by another members. Some advices and suggestions you receive definitely will improve you creative sense and look.